Empire Strikes Back Era Baggies

Frank Mewes


ESB-a (3 types)
Soft bag / Heat sealed
ESB-a – Both 1st & 2nd issue as well as alternate font colour on the 2nd issue type shown above.
ESB-a gallery is hidden on mobile devices
ESB-c1 gallery is hidden on mobile devices
Identical to ESB-d, but TAPE sealed rather than HEAT.
ESB-c2 gallery is hidden on mobile devices
Identical to ESB-c 2nd issue (large font version) but HEAT sealed rather than TAPED.
ESB-d gallery is hidden on mobile devices
Luke Jedi Blue Saber specific info: Tough to find with the Blue Saber, be cautious when considering buying one as many have been faked of late. Often the green saber is removed & replaced with a blue through the factory vent holes. This is very obvious if you know what to look for as it widens the vent hole opening significantly. Note the size of the vent hole on this confirmed authentic example.
Found in 2 MP’s both of which can be found with both versions (blue saber & green saber baggies).
Both font types shown above – V1 & V2, the V1 has Chunky text & the Kenner box shows on the right hand side of the Made in China text, the V2 Has thin text & the Kenner box shows to the left of the Made in China text, or has on all examples I have seen of each style to date. both V1 & V2
Above, the regular style ESB-h we are all familiar with. It’s the most commonly substituted baggies used in MP’s.
ESB-h gallery is hidden on mobile devices
ESB-h(b) (Narrow version): Luke Skywalker Farmboy dark brown hair, this being specific to the Wards/Penney/Spiegel- 1982 – 48-62352 – 655-1642 – 57-6253 pack as far as we know.
This one is about twice the size of a regular ESB-h baggie, they come with the weapons in a bit of sellotape, sometimes with the weapons taped to the body of the figure, it is speculated that these were offered to the employees of Kenner as a cheap way to buy the figures & it has been suggested they were offered on “dollar tables” in the staff shop, though this baggie is not regarded by most as a general release bag offered to the general public, some have turned up from sealed store multi packs.
Very similar to the ESB-j but differing heat seals (came direct from Bill Wills – Co Author of the old SWCA baggie guide), a very rare bag & one I am TBH a little lost as to where is was offered if indeed it was ever offered on general sale, though it is more likely to have been one never intended for sale, but rather one used either internally as a sample or for opening & carding.
Special thanks to these contributors for their knowledge and image contributions:
Laurence Dyer, Arnaud Heyser, Andrew Neo, AJ, Snaggletooth, Kevin Bletsoe, Brett Meyer, DEL, Gary Borbidge, Edd Grant, Chris Eddleman, Vince Hely, Nathan Maunder, Jamie Woollard, Niels Pit, Andrew MacLachlan, cantina_patron, Franck Gadal, Joe, Richard Temple, Sven Schneider, Steve Savory, Shane Carter, Chris Fawcett, Andy Clarke, psybertech, Jake Neilheisel, Alex Pardi, Marc Caraway, Spookedhippy, Frank Ferro, James Body, Jonathan Freeman, Grant Criddle, Chris Arbizzani, RobbieZombbie, Narayan S. Naik, Mark Yeo, SHAWN_K, Andy Raymond, MOMIKE, theguiltyone, Sublevel Studios, Mike Silver, Mr Palitoy, Ronny Anngren, Willem-Jan Bos, Robert Heron, Darren H, REBELALLIANCE, Uncle Ron, LandoSkiff (Dan), Mike Horn, Pat O’Brien, Benjamin, Samir Krim, Pete Fizke, Final Frontier, Mike Heel, MR KENNER, John Kellerman, Paul Naylor, Matthieu Barthelemy, Stéphane Faucourt, Yogi, Chris Simmons, Stormtrooper37, Thomas Derby, Todd G, Sheldon Wagstaffe, Derek Ho, Broc Walker, Adam Marks, James Gallo, Charles Jones, Darrell Johnson & Brendi Burton, Christian Somma, Johnpaul Ragusa, Jesse Cedar Soberman, Dorothée Drouin, Dennis Hall, Javier Ruilopez, Enric Rovira, Matthew Carlise, Stephen Tzaras.
Photos in the guide galleries below are compiled from a number of photo sources. It’s not been possible to find credits for each one, however, if you own one of the featured images and want to have your credit added, or don’t wish to have your photo included, please let me know and I’ll arrange.
Thanks, Chihuahua.